Ailurus Protein Service
Ailurus provides solutions that enable protein engineering and production with exceptional efficiency on a massive scale. View what we are offering, and the highlighted technologies that enable them.
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Data-driven, AI-native solutions

Biology is so complicated that biological R&D can largely benefits from data-intensive approaches. We provide data-driven solutions to facilitate smooth progresses in early research and process development for protein engineering. So you can focus more on how to use those proteins for downstream applications.

Turnover time: from 3 months.
Deliverable: Technical reports with raw datasets.

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Technological highlights
AI-Aided research
Design with large AI models

From protein to nucleotide sequences

Pretrained AI model for protein structure prediction can be used as a playground for us to screen feasible mutants to improve enzyme activity
Bio parts
Gigantic combinatorial libraries

of trillions of regulatory parts and over 20,000 CDS

Ailurus maintains a large library consisting of 1.2 trillion combination of regulatory DNAs, and over 20,000 protein domains, enabling random combinatorial screening.
lab in a cell
Ultra-high-throughput screening

By massively parallel cell-based assays

In addition to traditional robotic automation of experiments, Ailurus applies genetic circuits and cell programs to characterize the phenotypes and record them into DNA.
cell program
Protein production at scale

Powered by PandaPure®️

PandaPure uses synthetic organelle technologies to streamline protein expression and purification.

Case study

Ultra-high throughput screening over combinatorial library of expression systems significantly improves the production of a protein-based material.Ultra-high throughput screening over combinatorial library of expression systems significantly improves the production of a protein-based material.

Power of data


Projects completed


Strains Tested


Wet-lab data

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